Thursday, March 15, 2012

Our First Two Days in Kenya!

Where to even begin... I feel as though we have been here for a lot longer than just 2 days. Life here, although it has a laid back atmosphere, never stops at Happy Life Children's Home. There is always someone crying, someone laughing, someone needing to be changed, waiting to play, someone wanting to be picked up. The first day we just did our best to learn as much as possible and learn as many names as we could. There are 22 staff members that are in and out all the time; there are roughly 60 children. We started our day yesterday at 6:30 am, and went until 9:30 at night when we finally made dinner. Here we are right before starting our first day at Happy Life:

It was so hard to sleep our first night here between the nerves, the barking and fighting wild dogs, the babies crying... But we did our best. Anywayyyy, yesterday, our first day here, we helped with the first feeding between 8:30 and 9 am in the isolation room. This is a room for infants who are too sick to be around the others. I was feeding Abba who is almost 3 months old and seriously smaller than most newborns. She is in isolation because she has pneumonia and an infection in her lungs that is making it hard for her to breathe. She is so beautiful, and fragile, it's like holding a porcelain doll. She has to be fed with a small cup instead of a bottle because she is too weak right now to suck out of a bottle. After helping with the first feeding for the day, we went and played with some of the older children downstairs before they had to go to preschool (the oldest, school-aged children left for school at 7:30 am). The kids just want to be held and played with all the time. One of the little boys Chris, who is about 4, is one of my favorites. He is very shy, and almost never talks. He just smiles and runs to me when he sees me so that I can pick him up. He is definitely a heartbreaker :)  Later that afternoon, one of the volunteers, Robert, showed us how to get to the atm and the supermarket so we could buy food. It was a long, dusty, and hot walk, but it was so good to get some food and water to keep in our room! Speaking of our room, this is what it looks like:
It's still a little messy, as I'm sure you can tell, but Whit is going to try and build a shelf out of scrap wood tomorrow. I will definitely be taking a picture of that lol. And at the top center of the bathroom picture is a shower. It's very interesting because it sprays everywhere & there's no water pressure, BUT praise God, because there is water and it is hot water. We are very blessed :)

It's still a little messy, as I'm sure you can tell, but Whit is going to try and build a shelf out of scrap wood tomorrow. I will definitely be taking a picture of that lol. And at the top center of the bathroom picture is a shower. It's very interesting because it sprays everywhere & there's no water pressure, BUT praise God, because there is water and it is hot water. We are very blessed :)

We played with the little ones for a few hours:
In the picture: Jonathan (over my head),  Jeff (left of me & wearing some of the new crocs we brought, yay!), Erica (right of me), Chris (sitting in my lap, with his back turned to the camera; he's the heartbreaker i mentioned above), Simon (in front of Chris), Jacob (in front of Simon), Precious (in front of Jacob), Melvin (in front of everyone :)), Prince (left of everyone), Andrew (standing up on the right).
And then with the school-aged children after they got home from school. They were very tiring, but so much fun. One of the little girls, Laya, speaks such good english for her age (6), and was answering all our questions for us. I would say "Laya, nani" ("Laya, who's/what's this"), and she would answer me. I think I know most of the names already thanks to her! She also loved doing my hair. She can be quite bossy, but she's so adorable! haha
 After playing with the older children, Whit went to go feed the kids in the one of the infant rooms, and I helped feed again in the isolation room, where Abba was doing a lot worse than in the morning. The "Mom" that was now there, Dorkus, thought that the baby needed oxygen and after Robert and myself listened to her lungs and her heartbeat we decided she really did, so she was taken to the hospital. Luckily she was just fine after some oxygen and is now back at Happy Life.
I made fried ocra and rice for our first dinner. I am going to have to get creative here without meat. Although it's amazing having such easy access to fresh fruit and veggies. These are our new friends that volunteer at HL with us, Kyle (left) and Robert (right):
& here is Whit enjoying our first dinner:

After dinner we showered and went straight to bed. You would not believe the amount of dirt one is able to accumulate on their body after just 1 day here. Crazy.
Well, here is where the jet-lag hits us... When I woke up I rolled over and asked Whit what time it was, and his was response was "don't get mad at me... It's 1 pm, but we needed the sleep!" I couldn't believe it. Today started a lot later so we didn't get to help quite as much but I know Whit was right. We really needed the sleep. We are off to do the 7:30 feeding for all the babes, but we will post again soon! Miss you all!


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